
Policy 1: Aims and Objectives

  • To offer a high standard of professional care for children.

  • To provide for each child’s social, physical, cultural and psychological needs.

  • To provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment for children to encourage interest and develop curiosity.

  • To provide food which provides a healthy balanced diet which is culturally diverse to promote and encourage good eating habits.

  • To work with the children and to encourage them to make the nursery look attractive and interesting displaying each child’s work promoting self importance.

  • To give each child opportunities to interact and co-operate with both adults and children.

  • This in turn will help develop their abilities in relating to both children and adults.

  • To help each child develop a self-concept, to come to terms with their feelings and develop their self-esteem and confidence.

  • To offer opportunities both planned and unplanned activities allowing all children to participate and enjoy first hand learning experience which promote communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, good learning habits and the development of different concepts.

  • To observe, assess and record each child’s progress to plan and help each child develop to their full potential using the Famly online system. To then evaluate all learning that has taken place to ensure all children are achieving their very best.

  • To liaise with outside agencies to give support to those children with special needs.

  • To work in partnership with parents encouraging their involvements in the nursery, providing parents with advice, time with their child and support when they need it. *1

  • To provide parents with a meeting to discuss the nursery situation and any problems related to it.

  • To hold parent’s evenings which allows the children’s key persons to hold individual reviews with parents, where they are kept up to date with information relevant to their child. *2

*1 during the pandemic period, parents will not be able to come in to meet with managers and get involved in nursery activities.

*2 throughout the pandemic, parents meetings if required will be carried out virtually.
