
Payment Policy

Fees are due in advance for both monthly and weekly payments. These can be paid by either cash or cheque to the nursery manager. Alternatively, you can make an online bank transfer or set up a direct debit, just ask your nursery manager for the details. 

It is of utmost importance that all nursery fees are paid on time as it has a negative impact on our ability to meet the expenses necessary to keep the nursery running smoothly.

Deposits and Registration fees

Registration fees are non-refundable and must be paid when you register your child. 

One week’s deposit is due before your child starts their settling in period. This will be refunded to you when your child leaves, on condition that all your nursery fees are up to date. 

Monthly payments

Monthly payments are due on or before the 28th of each month and this payment will be for the month ahead. You can pay this by standing order or by cash / cheque at the nursery. If you would like to set up a standing order then please ask the manager or deputy for the details.

Late payments 

For weekly payments there is a £10 late payment charge which will be added weekly until payment is made.

Monthly payments are to be paid in advance by the 28th of each month, if payment is not received by the 5th of the month a £50 will be added to your fees and will be added each month until payment is made.

Failure to make payment by the end of the month will result in the nursery refusing to accept your child the following month until full payment is received. 

Weekly payments

Weekly payments are due on the child’s first day of attendance each week. 

Late payments

If payment is not received by the last day your child attends nursery each week a £10 late payment charge will be added, and a further £10 will be added per week that the payment is late. 

Failure to make payment within 3 weeks could result in the nursery refusing to accept your child until full payment is received.  

Holidays and absences

If your child is absent from nursery or ill, full fees are still payable.

If you go on holiday for less than 2 weeks, normal fees will be charged. If your holiday goes over 2 weeks, you will be charged 50% of the fees for the days over the 2 weeks. For example, if your holiday is 3 weeks long the first 2 weeks are charged at full fees and the 3rd week will be half price.

Bank holidays and staff training days are still payable. 

Notice period

If your child is leaving the nursery, one full month’s written notice must be given. Normal fees for this period will still be due. Your deposit will be returned to you once your final payment has been received. 

Holiday retention scheme

There is the option of your child attending during the term time only, therefore not attending during the nursery’s holiday time. If you wish to do this, a retention fee will be charged at 25% of your child’s normal fee for the holiday period. This will ensure your child’s space is reserved for you during the following term. Failure to pay the retention fee will result in your child being taken off the register and added onto our waiting list. The retention fee is non refundable should you decide not to return after the holiday period.
