The child’s key person will work in partnership with parents/carers to settle the child into the nursery environment as well as complete all paperwork and discuss any individual needs the child may have, for example medical or dietary. Then the key person will introduce the parents and child to other members of staff who work within the nursery. 

When a child’s space is confirmed by the nursery, arrangements will be made for a visit so that the child can familiarise him/herself with the nursery to build the child’s self esteem and confidence.

During the child’s first visit the parents/carers are asked to stay and play in the nursery with their child for a minimum of 30 minutes so that the child feels settled and when both key person and the parent/carer feels comfortable about leaving her or him they can then leave for 10 - 30 minutes depending on the individual child’s needs.  We will then gradually build up the time the child is left. We will not extend the child’s time until we feel the child is settled and able to cope with the lengthened time. 

For the first few sessions after children have settled, parents/carers may collect the child early if they so wish.

No child will be taken on an outing from the nursery until he or she is completely settled.

Some children including those that have additional needs (SEND) may need shorter, more frequent sessions to meet their individual needs to help them settle.
