Statement of intent

Kiddiecare Nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual, whether they be an adult or child. Discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, colour, creed, marital status, ethnic or national origin, or political belief, has no place within this nursery. Should any person believe that this policy is not being totally complied with, it is their duty to bring the matter to the attention of the manager at the earliest opportunity.

The nursery and staff are committed to:

1 Encourage positive role models, displayed through toys, imaginary play and activities that promote non-stereotyped images. Books will be selected to promote such images of men and women, boys and girls.

2 Encouraging all children to join in activities, i.e. dressing up, shop, home corner, dolls, climbing on large apparatus, bikes, etc.

3 Regularly review childcare practice to ensure the policy is effective

Kiddiecare Nursery aims to ensure that individuals are recruited, selected, trained and promoted on the basis of occupational skill requirements. In this respect, the nursery will ensure that no job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, marital status, race, religion, colour, cultural or national origin or sexuality, which cannot be justified as being necessary for the safe and effective performance of their work or training.

Service Provision

No child will be discriminated against on the grounds of sex, race, religion, colour or creed. Wherever possible those designated disabled or disadvantaged will be considered for a place, taking into account their individual circumstances and the ability of the nursery to provide the necessary standard of care.

KiddieCare Nursery will strive to ensure that all services and projects are accessible and relevant to all groups and individuals in the community within targeted age groups.

We will strive to promote equal access to services and projects by taking practical steps such as ensuring access to disabled people and producing material in relevant languages and media.


KiddieCare Nursery will strive by recruitment to ensure that the staff levels reflect the community it serves.  All vacancies will be advertised as widely as budgets allow.  

Every effort will be made to ensure a representative balance on the selection group and all members of the group will be committed to equal opportunities practice as set out in this policy.

Application forms will not include questions which potentially discriminate against the grounds specified in the Statement of Intent.

At the interview stage, no questions will be posed which potentially discriminate against the grounds specified in the Statement of Intent. During the interview, all candidates will be asked the same questions, and members of the selection group will not introduce nor use any personal knowledge of candidates acquired outside the selection process.

Candidates will be given the opportunity to discuss the reasons why they were not successful.


All staff are expected to cooperate with the implementation, monitoring and improvement of this and other policies.  All staff are expected to challenge language, actions, behaviours and attitudes which are oppressive or discriminatory on the ground as specified in the Statement of Intent.


KiddieCare Nursery recognises the importance of training as a key factor in the implementation of an effective equal opportunity policy. All staff are expected to participate in equal opportunities training.

The nursery will strive towards the provision of equal opportunity training for all staff.
